Intranet Article Press Realese Examples
Example 3
ExxonMobil and Treat Every Environment Special (TrEES)
Partners at the Kampong Orang Asli Bukit Lagong community program
50 Volunteers from the ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia partnered with environmental organizations Treat Every Environment Special (TrEES) to carry out upgrades and assist with income-generation activities in a community program for the villagers of Kampong Orang Asli Bukit Lagong.
In the first part of the program, volunteers upgraded the village by several projects, including providing solar panels for electricity, conducting a gotong-royong project, and refurbished the Sepak Takraw court with new nets and poles so that the villagers will have cleaner surroundings and recreation facilities.
“We hope the community program today will help improve the lives of the people of Kampong Orang Asli Bukit Lagong and enable them to focus on economic activities for their families,” said Zhi Xiong Law, the Kampong Orang Asli Bukit Lagong community program leader.
By working alongside the villagers, the volunteers helped by producing handmade soap, creating organic vegetable plots and herb gardens as part of income-generating activities that function to assist the villagers in generating and diversifying their income. “The experience and skills gained from setting up these projects will offer the Orang Asli another source of income as they will then be able to replicate similar plots and gardens in other communities,” said Law.
On the other hand, observation shows One-third of the village have no regular water supply and is relying on rainwater or water from a nearby river for their daily needs. With the approval of Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli and the Selangor state government. ExxonMobil intends to help connect these houses with over 1,500 meters of new piping to the existing water supply distribution system, aiming to solve many of their problems such as health issues, prevent injuries associated with fetching water, and providing time-consuming solutions where the villagers can focus more on their income-generating activities.
ExxonMobil’s community project at Kampong Orang Asli Bukit Lagong is the first of five community programs planned by its employees for 2019, which target activities that would create sustainable impact and positive change in the community.
10 #Intranet Writing Tips (Even if You Already Rock at Business Writing)
1. Write a catchy but clear title.
The title of your intranet article or blog post is extremely important. It’s the first thing your colleagues will notice.
2. Write a useful introduction or summary. A good guide is to answer the following questions in your intro:
What is this content all about?
Why should the intranet user keep reading?
3. Write in a conversational tone.
Most business writing is not conversational, and so this tip may come as a surprise. Aren’t you supposed to be business-like on your intranet?
Sure, you are, but that doesn’t mean being stiff or boring. Write the way you would talk in a meeting. I’m pretty sure that’s more relaxed than your annual reports.
4. Write like a journalist.
Your readers are in a hurry, so go ahead and put your key points up front, like a journalist does. Get straight to the point instead of burying it in paragraphs of text. Instead, state your most important statements in the beginning, then follow with supporting points.
5. Keep it brief.
By now you’ve noticed that writing for the intranet involves making your reader’s job as easy as possible. That means your intranet content should be only as long as it needs to be. Remove all fluff.
And, remember how it’s harder to read from a computer screen than from paper? This means you need to keep your sentences and paragraphs short.
Example 4
ExxonMobil volunteers carry out upgrades
At SMK Sijangkang Jaya, Kuala Langat
35 Volunteers from the ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia missions to carry out several activities on upgrading school community programs and as well conducting a Social Problem Awareness Seminar at Sekolah Menegah Kebangsaan (SMK) Sijangkang Jaya, Kuala Langat.
On the first part of the program, volunteers conducted several projects for the school, including renovating the school sickbay, upgrading the school’s special-needs class, upgrading the school cafeteria, rearranging books by alphabetical orders in the school library and repainting the handrails of all seven school block, each consist of minimum three levels.
“We hope the community program today will help improve the lives of the schoolchildren and the teachers and enable them to focus on better educational grounds,” said Khayathiri Chandran, the SMK Sijangkang Jaya community program Director.
By working alongside the teachers, the volunteers also helped to create a Science-Park for the school. Capitalising Green Technology, the volunteers assist in making them a hydroponic spice garden as well as a recycle water-bottle rooftop through the entrance of the science-Park. The volunteers additionally have planted mango trees and several herbal plants such as Lemon plant, mint plant, chilly plant, curry leaves, turmeric plant, pandan plant, Aloe Vera plant and lime plant, along with some local flowers, like roses, jasmine and bougainvillea plants at the science park.
“ The creation of a science park may well help the teachers and students to get recognized with the benefits of recycling that made into multiple functions and as well give a chance for the students to learn basic knowledge of green technology,” said Nadia Irina Mohd Sidek, the SMK Sijangkang Jaya community program leader.
Engaging with a qualified medic Ms. Katyana Azman, an allied health psychologist from Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur, the ExxonMobil community program also featured a “Social Problems Awareness Seminar” by creating awareness and training schoolchildren to handle social problems especially on social media threats, drugs, sex, open relationship, unintended pregnancies, street crime, mental illnesses, stress and other rising issues amongst teenagers today. Thus, the Seminar aims to show solutions and how to prevent those problems.
Lastly, the community program also prolongs a month on a Blood Donation Drive, “Lend an Arm Safe a Life” campaign, at Menara ExxonMobil Kuala Lumpur. Supported and volunteered by 130 ExxonMobil employees donating their blood in the campaign is the concluding community project done for the ExxonMobil community program two arranged by its employees for 2019.
6. Make your writing scannable.
Speaking of keeping things easy on your readers’ eyes, use the different tools available to make your content scannable. These tools include:
numbered or bulleted lists
font styling, such as bold and italics
7. Make your content findable.
Since you’re working so hard writing content for your intranet, make it easy for intranet users to find. This means anticipating what words and phrases they would use to find your content, and sprinkling these “keywords” all over your writing.
8. Spice things up with images and other media.
On the intranet, you can communicate more effectively by using multimedia: not just pictures but also videos and slideshows. As easy and rewarding as it is to use multimedia, add them only when they’re relevant to your content.
9. Cross-reference to related content.
One thing you can easily do in your intranet — that you can’t do in other forms of communication — is to link to other relevant content, both inside and outside your intranet. Learn how to create hyperlinks and use them to lead your readers who want to learn more. However, don’t get carried away, because you may lose your readers entirely as they click AWAY from your writing.
10. Write with the reader’s end-goal in mind.
Finally, we get to the most important writing tip of all: write to help your readers reach their goals. You may be writing to stroke your own ego, make yourself look better in the eyes of the C-suite, or to help advance your career. No matter what your goals are, your writing will fall flat if it doesn’t help your readers with their goals. Why should they be interested in what you have to share? How will it help them? What are they looking for? What knowledge do you have that they want?
Write for your readers, and you won’t have to worry about being ignored.
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