Intranet Article Press Realese Examples
Example 5
ExxonMobil employees volunteer a day out
With street children at Zoo Negara.
On Wednesday, November the 13th, 56 volunteers from ExxonMobil subsidiaries in Malaysia had conducted a community program safely at “zoo Negara,” with 137 school students of Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih (SBJK) as a part of ExxonMobil 3rd community program 2019.
The SBJK is a particular school for “street-students” aged 5 - 19, who are either homeless, orphan or at-risk children from urban, weak, broken families, welfare homes, or living in a poor social environment. The school, located in Jalan Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur, was specially set up by the Education Ministry in 2013 to provide free education for street children despite their background, including stateless children, with no identification documents. Here, students do not wear school uniform, they are not graded in school classes according to their age, but by their ability and are taught using a different syllabus and assessment.
Volunteers conducted several activities for the street students at the zoo, including a Treasure hunt competition, a zoo tour, panda exhibition tour, assisting the street children to an animal show, and providing them transportation, breakfast, lunch, gift bags, and even served ice-creams.
“My committee felt that there is a massive necessity for human capital development in our community, and we came across SBJK, the school for street students. As much as the facilities, it is also essential for the children themselves to have high confidence and the hunger to succeed. That is when we came up with our finale event – Riddles in the Jungle at Zoo Negara. It’s our pleasure to see all the smiling children faces, “stated Sasi Kumar Munusamy, ExxonMobil’s 3rd Community program Leader for 2019.
The community program also involved in making upgrades at SBJK including upgrading the school’s computer room by providing 16 refurbished laptops, updating new educational software’s, sponsoring a new wireless color printer, providing a new wireless router, improving by upgrading the school’s existing RAM cards, SSDs, all educational purpose necessary software, providing new power surge protectors for the students, offering software refurbishment for existing teachers laptops and administrative desktops, upgrading the school tailoring workshop, servicing 19 school’s existing sewing machines and sponsoring a new embroidery machine for the students.
The employees finishes the community program by additionally sponsoring a two-day basis, Robotic classes for the SBJK students at their school to learn about artificial intelligence (AI), and how to get engaged in building simple robots and do business out of them.
10 #Intranet Writing Tips (Even if You Already Rock at Business Writing)
1. Write a catchy but clear title.
The title of your intranet article or blog post is extremely important. It’s the first thing your colleagues will notice.
2. Write a useful introduction or summary. A good guide is to answer the following questions in your intro:
What is this content all about?
Why should the intranet user keep reading?
3. Write in a conversational tone.
Most business writing is not conversational, and so this tip may come as a surprise. Aren’t you supposed to be business-like on your intranet?
Sure, you are, but that doesn’t mean being stiff or boring. Write the way you would talk in a meeting. I’m pretty sure that’s more relaxed than your annual reports.
4. Write like a journalist.
Your readers are in a hurry, so go ahead and put your key points up front, like a journalist does. Get straight to the point instead of burying it in paragraphs of text. Instead, state your most important statements in the beginning, then follow with supporting points.
5. Keep it brief.
By now you’ve noticed that writing for the intranet involves making your reader’s job as easy as possible. That means your intranet content should be only as long as it needs to be. Remove all fluff.
And, remember how it’s harder to read from a computer screen than from paper? This means you need to keep your sentences and paragraphs short.
Example 6
ExxonMobil employees carry school upgrades
At SK. Chukai, Terengganu
Sixty employees from the ExxonMobil Kemaman Supply Base and Institute Technology Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) in Terengganu, Malaysia, had undertaken several activities on upgrading the special-needs student school block of Sk. Chukai project presenting as the fourth community program arranged by its employees in 2019.
Upon the evaluation of all the other schools based in Kemaman town, the community program committee members found that the special-needs classes of SK. Chukai needed their help the most.
The community program includes numerous projects such as renovating the schools special-need students block, upgrading the tranquil room, upgrading of the recreation room with the installation of full-height wall and blinds for privacy, laminating flooring, funding new lightings and fans, sponsoring a 2.0HP air-con at school's special-needs students block sickbay, providing new furniture, storage, and a TV cabinet for the special-needs students class, painting the shoe rack & benches for the special-needs class parents waiting area, having a Gotong-Royong activity at the special needs school surrounding.
“Being a parent of a special-needs student, I have experienced the challenges of managing and entertaining the special needs kids. They need our attention and support. With the community project launched at SK Chukai for the special-needs classes, we hope that it will be beneficial for the day to day operation of the school and the development of the student.” conveyed Khasnieffy, the executive of ExxonMobil 4rd Community program for 2019.
As a part of a beautification project, the program continued by upgrading the special-need interactive lounge that included sponsoring a river-water fish-themed aquarium set with colorful river fishes and enhanced the school garden for the students, complete with a traditional Malay Kampong styled Gazebo placed at the center that plays as a rest shed for the school kids, a gotong-royong activity, Ground Resurfacing, New fencing, Mural painting, interlocking paving block base, gardening a number of fruit trees and vegetable plants such as Ciku tree, Chili plant, lime plant, Mulberry trees, Soursop trees, Pudding trees, and Cashew trees, along with yellow and red Japanese rose flowers planted at the entrance of the school garden.
Additionally, the program also conducted several indoor activities such as a Snake & Ladders competition, a transportation-themed coloring contest, and provided a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) lunch for the 35 special-need students. After a hard task at hand, the committee members concluded that at the end of the day, the smile on those special-needs students face is the only thing that matters the most.
6. Make your writing scannable.
Speaking of keeping things easy on your readers’ eyes, use the different tools available to make your content scannable. These tools include:
numbered or bulleted lists
font styling, such as bold and italics
7. Make your content findable.
Since you’re working so hard writing content for your intranet, make it easy for intranet users to find. This means anticipating what words and phrases they would use to find your content, and sprinkling these “keywords” all over your writing.
8. Spice things up with images and other media.
On the intranet, you can communicate more effectively by using multimedia: not just pictures but also videos and slideshows. As easy and rewarding as it is to use multimedia, add them only when they’re relevant to your content.
9. Cross-reference to related content.
One thing you can easily do in your intranet — that you can’t do in other forms of communication — is to link to other relevant content, both inside and outside your intranet. Learn how to create hyperlinks and use them to lead your readers who want to learn more. However, don’t get carried away, because you may lose your readers entirely as they click AWAY from your writing.
10. Write with the reader’s end-goal in mind.
Finally, we get to the most important writing tip of all: write to help your readers reach their goals. You may be writing to stroke your own ego, make yourself look better in the eyes of the C-suite, or to help advance your career. No matter what your goals are, your writing will fall flat if it doesn’t help your readers with their goals. Why should they be interested in what you have to share? How will it help them? What are they looking for? What knowledge do you have that they want?
Write for your readers, and you won’t have to worry about being ignored.
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