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Open Culture vs Close Culture :

In What way it Becomes Open; In What way it Becomes Close


Open culture movement encourages worldwide equality and altering or enriching already existing works globally in terms of collaborating or sharing  without being restricted by rules connected to the “intellectual property laws”


Close culture, is structured  giving little freedom or tolerance of believe on the purpose of Security, control and order .


Some agrees internet should be open to all; while others settles Internet should be regulated. over time, campaigns on supporters and protestors of SOPA, PIPA or Net-Neutrality had been introduced .  Yet, open and close culture still remains an ongoing debate. 














Open and close culture has been here even before the internet was born. But evaluating from the internet era, it certainly had gave impacts into four factors.

First,  “Cultural production factors”, for instance ever since the access of uploading online books or online music, the creations of fan fiction published online or remixed music uploaded in youtube had been a controversy,

Next, “Economic factors” , arguments arise that Internet plays as a toll road to an entrance and its not equal to everyone that In someway we still have to subscribe , register or pay,

Third, “Political factors”, where disagreements on Geo-blocking, censorship , protocols, policy approach  or even E-democracy sharing free speech through the internet

Lastly fourth, infrastructures factors”, for example disputes in terms of close culture,  Apple Products can only be relaid on another apple product  includes its iOS access of Apps on mobile phone or Browsing through an online media .

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