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Interview Edward E, Graham

LCM, & General Manager, Menara ExxonMobil Malaysia





If there is a gimmick or a quote to attract an article,

What would you provide for the Community Program 1 at Bukit Lagong Kampong Orang Asli?


It is really important that Malaysian society gain a better understanding and appreciation for its indigenous people, the Orang Asli.  In many places around the world, including Malaysia, indigenous peoples often struggle in modern society, both culturally and economically.  It just feels right that we were able to lend some help, especially during the Malaysian Independence month. We hope the community program today will help improve the lives of the people of Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Lagong and also give them hope that the Malaysia cares about them too.



Please tell a little bit of your experience on the event


The project was a success! The planning team faced a number of obstacles leading up to the event, but managed to pull through with a well-coordinated and busy work day.  We had several work fronts going on simultaneously, and the work was very strenuous.  In the end, I think we made significant contributions to the village and the day ended with zero safety incidents! As the Chairman and President of ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia, I am extremely proud ExxonMobil Employees for their help and support.




Please brief  a little bit of the event


The focal point of the venture was to lend a hand in providing the villagers with basic necessities, i.e. tap water and solar lights in addition to helping them with their economic activities via the vegetable garden.  We were extremely keen on helping out the villagers when we realized the village was actually located in Kuala Lumpur, but did not have full access to clean water.  We also wanted to give our fellow employees an opportunity to get involved in some hands-on activities; to be able to contribute directly with labor, and not just financial contributions from the company.  There is nothing more rewarding than being part of an effort that is making a real difference in other peoples’ lives.  We often forget that we do this every day as a company, as we generate energy for society.  The work activity at Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Lagong was more direct and immediately gratifying for all of us that participated, since we were able to meet and interact with the villagers we were helping.



Interview with Mohd Kahsimi Khasnieffy

Marine Supervisor


Menara ExxonMobil



Questions :


What is your opinion as the Program Head for the SK. Chukai Community Program.


In overall the community project is a challenging but exciting task since we are doing this on a part time basis. I am blessed in a way that we have conducted one community project in 2018 and from that I can choose a reliable and hardworking committee. The actual ground work has started 2 weeks prior the events and a few of the committee has spent some their weekend and after hour work in the evening to kick start the project.


We would like to thank ExxonMobil on the given opportunity to conduct the community project at SK Chukai. EMEPMI have a major influence in Kemaman area and by selecting this school we wanted to portray that we care for the well being of the surrounding community. Being a parent of a special need student, I have experienced the challenges on managing and entertaining the special need kids. They just need our attention and support.  With the community project launched at SK Chukai special need classes, we hope that it will be beneficial for the day to day operation of the school and the development of the student.  


This community program also shall serve as platform for ExxonMobil to highlight its presence and making impact in this region; as one of the earliest organization established in Terengganu’s oil and gas industry. Through this project, we are indirectly sending a message to community on the focus of ExxonMobil in making contributions in the field of such as  education, human capital development, healthcare and improving overall welfare of the community in where we do business.


It has been a successful day at the school and we have managed to complete all the activities safely. In the end the smile on the student face is the only thing that matters.




What are the activities and project done for the program ?

  • Refurbishment of the Garden space with Gazebo, Mural painting, pavement blocks, new parameter fence, 2 racks for polybag tree planting activities and various new trees planting.

  • Upgrading of the recreation room with installation of full-height wall and blinds for privacy, laminating flooring, providing new lightings and fans, 2.0HP air –con, mural painting, and new furniture (storage and TV cabinet)

  • Gotong-Royong of the special needs school surrounding and garden area

  • Coloring contest, snake & ladders competition where all student is a winner and prize was given to all the special need kids. We also provide KFC as a treat for all of them

  • Minor Upgrading of the interactive lounge with providing new furniture’s (storage cabinet) and a River-water fish-themed aquarium set

  • Painting of the shoe rack & bench for the parents waiting for their kids to finish class.



How many plants and what type of plants bought for the garden ?

  • Ciku plants

  • Chilli plants

  • Lime plants

  • Japanese rose Flower plants

  • Mulberry

  • Soursop

  • Puding trees

  • Cashew trees



Is the coloring contest Transportation themed contest?

  • It was not plan in such a way, but since you have highlight this, it make more sense to put as transportation as the theme. J


Why Choose SK. Chukai

  • Upon evaluation, we feel that the special need class needs our help the most compared to all the other schools in Kemaman. Most of the EMEPMI KSB team are local and few of our team members attended this school during their student days, so this school is very close to their heart.


Interview with Sasi Kumar Munusamy

Network Analyst,


Information Technology Menara ExxonMobil



Questions :


What is your opinion as the Community Program Leader.


Giving is not only about money or making a donation,

But it is also about making a difference in someone’s life.

It is nice to be the reason for someone’s happiness,

we feel the students have been through so much in life in such a young age,

by bringing them to the zoo would give them a chance to forget

those worries at home and just enjoy the day with us, despite of their backgrounds,

at the same time the event would have also

helped the students to build their self-confidence

and encouragement to strive for excellence. As a CP Lead, I’m thankful that the management had faith in me leading this project. My committee felt that there is a huge necessity for human capital development in our community, and we came across SBJK, the school for “street students”. We approached SBJK to discuss how EM can play it’s part to ensure there is human capital development in the school committee. As a result, we made necessary upgrades to their sewing workshop and computer lab. As much as the facilities, it is also important for the children to have high confidence and the hunger to succeed. That is when we came up with our finale event – “Riddles in the Jungle” at Zoo Negara. It’s our pleasure to see all the smiling faces, and I won’t be surprised to see some of the students going places in future.




What are the activities and project done for the program ?

  • Activities in the Zoo

    • Treasure Hunt activities for school children

    • Zoo Tour for pre-school children

    • Panda exhibition for all

    • Providing breakfast and lunch at Wild Life Restaurant

    • Providing Ice-cream for all kids

    • Facilitating them to an animal show in zoo

  • Contribution to the school

    • providing 16 refurbished laptops,

    • providing new power surge for the desktops,

    • upgrading the desktops by adding SSD and RAM cards

    • software refurbishment for all existing desktops & laptops; including teachers and administrative computers

    • sponsoring a new wireless color printer,

    • providing a new wireless router,

    • servicing 19 school’s existing sewing machines

    • sponsoring a new embroidery machine for the students.

    • Engaging a vendor to provide two-days of basic Robotic classes for the SBJK students



What is your opinion on joining this communities program?


Joining Community Project is a great way to contribute back to the community. Apart from that, it also gives an insight on how blessed and fortunate some of us are, and makes us more appreciative of what we have.  I hope EM will continue providing this opportunity to all employees annually.


Interview with Law Zhi Xiong

ExxonMobil Kuala Lumpur Technology Center.

Menara ExxonMobil




Questions :


What is your opinion of the event as the Community Program Leader.


Indigenous people matters too, It just feels right that we lend our help especially

during the Malaysian Independence month”. We hope the community program today will help improve the lives of the people of Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Lagong and enable them to focus on economic activities for their families,”The focus of the project is to lend a hand in providing the villagers with basic necessities, i.e. tap water and solar lights in addition to helping them with their economic activities via the vegetable garden. We were extremely keen on helping out the villagers when we realized the village was actually located in Kuala Lumpur, but do not have full access to clean water.We also wanted to give our fellow engineers an opportunity to get involved in some hands-on activities. Although most work for the water distribution system were done by the villagers, most participants were able to help out with building the vegetable garden.






What are the activities and project done for the program ?

  • producing handmade soap,

  • creating organic vegetable plots and herb gardens as part of income-generating activities

  • providing solar panels for electricity,

  • conducting a gotong-royong project

  • refurbished the Sepak Takraw court with new nets and poles

  • setting up a systematized vegetable and herbal garden using bamboo beddings

  • connect these houses with over 1,500 meters of new piping to the existing water supply distribution system

  • we paid for 2 solar lights instead of panels, and that the lights were installed at the community area.






What is your input on the gardening activity done by the orang Asli communities ?


The experience and skills gained from setting up these projects will offer the Orang Asli another source of income

as they will then be able to replicate similar plots and gardens in other communities. the garden aims to equip the villagers with experience and skills to expand their source of income.






Please tell me alittle bit of your experience on the overall activity,

what  is your opinion of the event as the Community Program Leader.

You can create quotes or use quotes


            The project was a success! We met some obstacles leading up to the event, but managed to pull through. We made significant contributions to the village, participants were engaged, and the day ended with zero safety incidents! As Project leader I am extremely grateful to my team of committees for their help and support. It was my first time organizing any sort of project, so a lot of credit goes to them! The NGO (TrEES), P&GA and Ed also helped tremendously.



IT Risk Advisor

EMIT | IT Risk Management | IT Controls


Questions :


What is your opinion of the event as the Community Program Leader.


 “For many cancer patients and their families,

the experience of cancer is an intensely stressful journey.

Thus, this Community Program intentioned to offer some cheer,

support, and encouragement to the children who are currently

undergoing treatment or have survived cancer and their families.”   

 “It is an outstanding experience, of course,

we cannot do anything about their illness but to be able to show our warm support

and by cheering the kids, hoping that it gives them motivational support and strength

to overcome their illness. Further by bringing them to KidZania

can inspire them to fight cancer and to chase their dream in future,”



Who is the Leader and Co-Leader of the program ?


Day Out with Kids at KidZania

Lead: Jannatul Najwa Abdul Razak

Co-Lead: Nur Hidayah Latif


Giving Hope, Touching Hearts Walk

Lead: Noor Habibah Roslan

Co-Lead: Ku Swee Sen




What are the activities and project done for the program ?


Day Out with Kids at KidZania

  • Providing transportation for the Cancer survival kids and their family to KidZania

  • One day Tour at KidZania  

  • Nasi-Lemak, Fried noodles and fried chicken nutritious breakfast

  • Chicken Rice nutritious Lunch

  • Sponsored five laptops to the National Cancer Society Malaysia Center for the facilitators

  • Sponsored a tumblers set

  • Sponsored 3-in-1: pillow + blanket +hand warmer to all children to comfort and keep them warm, especially during their stay in the hospital.


Giving Hope, Touching Hearts Walk

  • Aiding for Pink Unity Celebrating Cancer Survivor by giving Hope, Touching hearts’ Walk

  • Aiding in Zumba classes

  • providing gift begs consisting of a Yoga mat, face towel, and a fruit infuser water bottle, all in a themed of pink for all the 100 members who participated in the campaign

  • serving breakfast to all participants



What is your opinion on joining this communities program ?


Gaining new perspective on our community and on what life is like for a group people that is often overlooked; the terminally ill, cancer survivors etc.

This help us to change the way we see the world and our role towards the community as well as the impact of every contributions to those in need of service.

Apart from that, by taking part in community program it is personally helps me with my personal development where I learned to develop skills in leadership,

communication, working as a team and finding solutions for problems.

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