work Assignment flight to Terrenganu
As I involved in many ExxonMobil community programs in this past 6 months
During My Intern
I also had the opportunity to take a flight to Terengganu
And took part in a community program there
My job includes of taking reports
And in charge of guiding the photographer and videographer
As well transportation arrangements
The community program includes numerous projects such as renovating the schools special-need students block, upgrading the tranquil room, upgrading of the recreation room with the installation of full-height wall and blinds for privacy, laminating flooring, funding new lightings and fans, sponsoring a 2.0HP air-con at school's special-needs students block sickbay, providing new furniture, storage, and a TV cabinet for the special-needs students class, painting the shoe rack & benches for the special-needs class parents waiting area, having a Gotong-Royong activity at the special needs school surrounding.
As a part of a beautification project, the program continued by upgrading the special-need interactive lounge that included sponsoring a river-water fish-themed aquarium set with colorful river fishes. The school’s special-need teacher believes, the aquarium and the colorful fish’s acts as a fragment of therapeutic benefits associated with the special-need children.
Moreover, as the ExxonMobil volunteers also helped to upgrade the school garden for the students, complete sponsoring a traditional Malay Kampong styled Gazebo placed at the center that plays as a rest shed for the school kids, a gotong-royong activity, Ground Resurfacing, New fencing, Mural painting, interlocking paving block base, gardening a number of fruit trees and vegetable plants such as Ciku tree, Chili plant, lime plant, Mulberry trees, Soursop trees, Pudding trees, and Cashew trees, along by leveling the land, with yellow and red Japanese rose flowers planted across the entrance of the school garden.
The grand slam of the program is spending time with the 35 special-need students by conducting several indoor activities, such as a Snake & Ladders competition, a transportation-themed coloring contest, and providing a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) lunch for them.