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Document 5 : Greeting Texts 

Greeting Text

the honorary Guest sir Aladdin temples

Chairman of Education  Standing Committee, Green Technology, Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and Consumer Affairs

In Conjunction With The Opening Ceremony Of Community Service Activities At Smk Ice-Cream Valley , Forest District.

Date: 25th December, 2019 (Wednesday)

VENUE: SMK Smk Ice-Cream Valley , Forest District.

Mrs. Snow White

School Principal of SMK Ice-Cream Valley Principal

Miss. Bambi Meadows

President of Parents Teacher Association (PTA)

Miss. Elsa Winters

President and Chairman of YellowBanana Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc. 

Doctor Pocahontas Forest -

Doctor of Orthopedic Surgery, Sea Bay Hospital.

Good day


Today I am delighted to be with all the attendees for the community service activities at SMK Ice-cream Valley, Rainforest District. On this prosperous day. The SMK I-ce-cream Valley Community service programs can help the community in various aspects of social support services and to enhance the standard of life of the teachers and school children here.

SMK Ice-cream Valley, comprising with a total of 7000 school children. Surrounded by the beautiful tropical rainforest near the Blue Ocean Institut, the core community intends them to upgrade their school.

In this regard, I would like to take advantage of our heartfelt speech to YellowBanana and Leaves for the initiative and cooperation with the teachers and students of SMK Ice-cream valley, Forest district to organize the program today.

Activities carried out today, such as creating Science park, Library book arrangement, mural artwork and security sea cadet talk activities, are hoped to help the school community generate education. Community members can also enjoy the experience of our school environment here.

While creating a Science park and repairing the Sick Bay are expected to help the school community live a comfortable and hale and hearty life.

 Dear Sir/Madam,


Today's program also keeps us on the move together and continuous effort in preserving the school education and environment. Through the cooperation between all stakeholders-the government, corporate company, community organization, and residents, we can make the school environmental care part of our lives.

Today's event also provides meaningful platforms to unite the community from various layers and sectors to jointly develop a sustainable future for Malaysia. This definitely remarks with today's theme. “Everyone Deserves A Chance."

I have been understood that a total of 70 employees of YellowBanana with Miss. Elsa Winters, are here since morning and will continue to work until the afternoon. The involvement of top management and other staff reflects a strong team of moves towards achieving a positive achievement.

It is the general wish companies contribute back to the community through Project CSR. We are part of society through Project CSR. We are part of the communuty, so we should be involved in helping to improve the standard of life of the community in which we operate. The contribution of Today is excellent, but it is essential that the nation's population of society in which the involvement of three parties, private and public, is the keys to the happiness of society.


Sir and Madams,

The LEAVES took affirmative action by building a relationship with the teachers and the students of SMK Ice-cream Valley, Forest District, to improve the standard of their lives and support the sustainable efforts of the community.

I am happy that the school are given the opportunity and are deeply involved in the preparation and implementation of the program. The knowledge and cultural share of community at SMK Ice-cream Valley throughout the entire community are hoped to strengthen the unity and understanding among the multi-racial communities in Malaysia.

Dear Sir and Madam,

The option to make the change is in our hands. The program today shows the results of a noble work of various parties to make positive changes.


I understood that the support of YellowBanana for the SMK Ice-cream Valley of Forest District would not stop as far today. There are several classes in this school which do not have proper electrical supliance. With the permission of the department of teacher-teachers and students, YellowBanana intends to continue the help the electrical wire work through those classes. YellowBanana also donated a number of amenities example, fountain features, laptops, fridge, story books and oven.

Here I would like to thank YellowBanana for their contribution and excellent service to help the community.


I hope this is a beginner to more positive-looking joint-venture to empower our community through the active involvement of all parties from government, corporate companies, community organizations, and residents.


Again, thanks to principal Snow White and teachers and students of SMKIce-cream Valley, Forest District, for accepting us as a community guest. Thank you also YellowBanana. Elsa Winters, the Leaves Bambi Meadow and all volunteers who were involved in the success of the community service program today.


Also, not forgetting all the departments and agencies involved either directly or indirectly. Indeed, the presence and involvement of Sir/Madam showed the seriousness and portrayed in response to the government's call to the people.


In this respect, I would like to officiate the Community program and wish to welcome the Marry Christmas to all the attendees.

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